If you have purchased anything from Lueur Schmuck, but didn’t:

  • Receive the right products or sizing, or
  • Received a faulty product, or
  • Receive your products within the guaranteed delivery time (60 days), you get a full refund from us.

However, we can’t give you (full) refund under the following circumstances:

  1. Your Lueur Schmuck order didn’t arrive due to factors within your control (for example: you provided us the wrong shipping address), or
  2. Your Lueur Schmuck order didn’t arrive due to one or other circumstances outside the control of Lueur Schmuck (for example: not cleared by customs, a tornado or other natural disasters, pandemics), or
  3. Your order has been placed at a discount or within a sale. In this case you can still swap your order amount for other products.
  4. You purchased an item from our customise collection. These items are personalized and created especially for you, they are final sale.