If you have purchased anything from Lueur Schmuck, but didn’t:

  • Receive the right products or sizing, or
  • Received a faulty product, or
  • Receive your products within the guaranteed delivery time (60 days), you get a full refund from us.

However, we can’t give you (full) refund under the following circumstances:

  1. Your Lueur Schmuck order didn’t arrive due to factors within your control (for example: you provided us the wrong shipping address), or
  2. Your Lueur Schmuck order didn’t arrive due to one or other circumstances outside the control of Lueur Schmuck (for example: not cleared by customs, a tornado or other natural disasters, pandemics), or
  3. Your order has been placed at a discount or within a sale. In this case you can still swap your order amount for other products.
  4. You purchased an item from our customize collection. These items are personalized and created especially for you, they are final sale.


If you're not completely satisfied with your order, we're more than happy to arrange an exchange for you. Please note, we can’t offer an exchange under the following circumstances:

  1. You purchased an item from our customize collection. These items are personalized and created especially for you, they are final sale.

How do I return my order?

Returns/Refunds or exchange items are accepted up to 14 calendar days after receiving your order.

Europe orders (Express shipping)

Register your return in our Return Portal via the button below.


The price for returning your order with the use of our Portal system are better then using your local post office. For example the price for returning from Switzerland will be CHF 6.

Is the Return Portal not working?

Follow the steps below:

Rest of the world (or back-order)

Returns for a refund or exchange items are accepted up to 14 calendar days after receiving your order.

If you want to return your order for a refund or replacement, please contact us at:

Please note your order number and/or email address and which item(s) you’d like to return. Don't forget to mention if you'd like a refund or exchange. Our support team will help you with this process and will make sure get your refund (or replacement) as soon as possible!

Do I need to pay for the return?

We have free returns with PayPal. Didn’t pay with PayPal? Unfortunately, you're responsible for the return costs.

Click here to activate the Paypal Service.
Already activated this feature? Click here to claim your refund!